Meetings and Discussions
English version will be added soon
English version will be added soon
Read moreGeorgia - Ukraine: Thirty Years of Re-establishment of Diplomatic Relations
On July 21 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, Embassy of Ukraine in Georgia and Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (Rondeli Foundation) co-hosted an event Georgia-Ukraine: Thirty Years old Re-establishing Diplomatic Relations. Georgian and Ukrainian Government officials, high-ranking diplomats and international experts participated in the discussion, moderated…
Read moreConference for graduates of the educational program "Youth for Changes".
On July 19, the Rondeli Foundation organized a conference for graduates of the educational program "Youth for Changes". During the meeting, young activists, representatives of non-governmental organizations, media, and political parties from Kakheti, Adjara, Shida Kartli, Samtskhe-Javakheti, and Tbilisi discussed the results of the research "Youth Values and Political Activism…
Read moreGraduation ceremony in Jokolo, Pankisi
On July 14th, 2022 the graduation ceremony for the project participants was held in the village Jokolo, Pankisi Gorge. Along with certificates, the successful participants revealed based on the quiz results conducted within the framework of the projects received awards. Graduation ceremony was attended by the students, parents, teachers and principals of the schools of the villages: Duisi,…
Read moreAmb. Degnan meeting students of Khulo Municipality public schools
On June 14th, US Ambassador Kelly Degnan met with the students of Khulo Municipality public schools. The event was organized by the Rondeli Foundation and attended by the participants of the US Embassy-funded project "Community Youth Engagement in the Regions of Georgia." During the meeting, Ambassador Degnan spoke about the 30-year strategic partnership between the United States…
Read moreThe ninth meeting of the Georgia-EU civil society platform
On June 28, 2022, the ninth meeting of the Georgia-EU Civil Society Platform (CSP) was held at the Rondeli Foundation.
Read moreVisit to the Samtskhe-Javakheti region with the Ambassador Maaike van Koldam
On the 30th of May, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Georgia: H.E Maaike van Koldam visited Samtskhe-Javakheti region, in the scope of an introductory tour organized by Rondeli Foundation. During the visit, we had an opportunity to meet with the representatives of community radio "NOR" in Ninotsminda, we also organized a roundtable discussion with the local…
Read moreWar in Ukraine: Moldova Under Threat
On May 20 at 19:00 (GMT+4) Rondeli Foundation invites you to a webinar - War in Ukraine: Moldova Under Threat.
Read morePhoto Screening - Road to Destruction
On May 3rd, the Rondeli Foundation, in collaboration with Tbilisi Photography & Multimedia Museum hosted an event, entitled The Road to Destruction, which showcased the works from the war-affected areas (Abkhazia, Tskhinvali Region, Gori, as well as Crimea, Bucha and other places in Ukraine, suffering from the Russian military aggression) by prominent photographers. The photo-screening…
Read moreAre Armenia and Azerbaijan Headed Towards Normalization?
The entire world is focused on Russia's war in Ukraine. However, important developments are underway in Nagorno Karabakh. How far could it go? What are the chances and challenges for the long term peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia?
Read moreRussia Under Sanctions: What Are the Consequences
On April 27 at 12:00 (GMT+4) the Rondeli Foundation will host a webinar: Russia Under Sanctions: What Are the Consequences".
Read morepresentation of the book by Georges Mamoulia
The Rondeli Foundation organized the presentation of the book by Georges Mamoulia: "Imam Shamil and the National Liberation Struggle of the Highlanders of the North-Eastern Caucasus in the Messages of the French Consuls from Tiflis". Georgian historian Georges Mamoulia, currently living in Paris, translated from French into Russian the archived political reports of the French…
Read moreRussian Disinformation During the War: How Big Is the Threat and How to Counter It
On April 12th at 18:00 (GMT+4), the Rondeli Foundation hosted a webinar on Russian disinformation campaign and ways to counter it.
Read moreTwo-day event - Georgia and Japan in the Changing World
On March 14-15 the Rondeli Foundation organized a two-day event - "Georgia and Japan in the Changing World". Georgian and Japanese experts discussed opportunities for partnership in the spheres of rule of law, security (including human security) and international relations, democracy, and economic development.
Read moreGeorgia and Japan in the Changing World
Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (Rondeli Foundation) invites you to the event - "Georgia and Japan in the Changing World" to be held on March 14-15, 2022.
Read moreDiscussion on the Parallel Research Conducted in Georgia and Russia
On December 16, 2021 the Rondeli Foundation in cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) South Caucasus Office organized a discussion on the parallel research conducted in Georgia and Russia. Caucasus Research Resource Center conducted the research in Georgia. The goal of both studies was to better understand public knowledge, attitudes and perceptions vis-à-vis the research…
Read moreDiscussion - Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Russia in Georgia and Towards Georgia in Russia
The Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies (Rondeli Foundation) in cooperation and with the support of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) South Caucasus Office has commissioned a CRRC empirical study on the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of Georgian citizens towards Russia with a special focus on the North Caucasus.
Read moreAutocracies vs. Democracies: Who's Winning?
U.S. diplomat George Kennan publicly proposed defending democracy against autocracies using a strategy of “containment.” The foundation of his proposal was the belief that the contradictions inherent in Soviet party rule would ultimately lead to collapse of the system or at least its considerable mellowing if denied opportunities for expansion.
Read moreჩინეთ-საქართველოს ეკონომიკური თანამშრომლობა და გამოწვევები
19 ნოემბერს, 19:00 საათზე საქართველოს სტრატეგიისა და საერთაშორისო ურთიერთობების კვლევის ფონდი (რონდელის ფონდი) გიწვევთ სამეცნიერო სემინარზე "პოლიტეკონომიური საუბრები ლადო პაპავასთან" – „ჩინეთ-საქართველოს ეკონომიკური თანამშრომლობა და გამოწვევები“.
Read moreNATO-EU Strategic Partnership: Challenges and Advantages
Next year, both NATO and EU are set to adopt their strategic documents: Strategic Concept 2030 and Strategic Compass 2022 respectively. In the rapidly changing global security environment NATO and EU are destined not to compete but to cooperate. Is there a consensus among the NATO and EU members? What are the challenges and advantages of the NATO-EU Strategic Partnership?
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