Meetings and Discussions

Visit of the Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Iran to Georgia

2007 / 02 / 16

On February 16, 2007 Ambassador of Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Mojtaba Damirchiloo visited the Georgian Foundation for Strategic and International Studies. The ambassador gave speech about Iranian foreign policy in the Caucasus. Mr. Damirchiloo listed internal and external factors that influence the formation of foreign policy, the problems that arise in the process of following foreign policy objectives and the challenges that Iranian foreign policy faces at present. He also discussed the process of decision-making and implementation, and the role of different government branches in this regard.

The Ambassador underlined the historical ties between Iran and Georgia. Answering the question how Georgia's entry to NATO will affect Iranian-Georgian relations, Mr. Damirchiloo noted that Iran wants to deepen cooperation with neighboring states. Mr. Damirchiloo noted that Iran is pleased to have cordial relations with Turkey, a NATO member.

The presentation was followed by a lively question and answer session. The bulk of questions were related to the issue of Iranian nuclear program. The Ambassador reiterated the peaceful purposes of the program and highlighted different economic/energy factors that necessitate the buildup of Iranian nuclear energy sector.


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