Presentation of the Georgian and Russian Expert Publication
On July 8th, 2014 GFSIS hosted a public presentation of the new publication prepared within the project “Experts in Search of Ways for Russian-Georgian Normalization.”
The opening remarks were made by Alexander Rondeli, President of GFSIS, Boris Iarochevitch, the Deputy Head of the EU Delegation in Georgia and Dr. Christofer Joyce, Advisor for the Caucasus on Conflicts and post-Conflict Issues, the Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Kakha Gogolashvili, the Project Director, gave a brief overview of the project and the purpose and the content of the publication. He outlined the Policy Recommendation Papers prepared by the Russian authors who could not attend the presentation. Four out of six Georgian authors shared their opinion and views on the publication and the whole project.
Distinguished participants comprised of key Georgian experts involved in conflict resolution, representatives of academia, the Government, NGO and think tanks, international organizations and the different embassies, were invited to engage in discussion about the future perspectives of Russian-Georgian dialogue.